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Free Linux Ebook

Linux is a complete ebook and free is very important for those of you who want to go deeper into the bolt and outs of the Linux operating system, because it is in this post I would like to share two ebook to review the fundamentals of Linux are starting to install the Linux programming to advance the like what we want.The first ebook that I want to share is that Linux ebook titled "We Can With Open Source Software" made ​​by KSL, this ebook using the Indonesian language, it is quite complete until the start of stage Remaster Install Linux, this ebook also provides tips, tricks and experience in the use of Linux in the community, please download this ebook at: http://adf.ly/7SIet.
The second ebook that I will share is a Linux ebook entitled "The Linux From Scracth" made by Gerard Beeksmans and edited by Matthew Burgess and Bruce Dubbs, ebook Linux I think this one is very good and suitable for those of you who like or have entered into Programming-stage and brain-tweaking the Linux operating system, because this ebook contains a guide to modify more than the basic to advanced Linux, this ebook is in English and contains the 318 page, please download the ebook "Linux from Scratch" is at:http://adf.ly/7SIhW

Hopefully some of the above Linux ebook can help bring more information and to promote Linux and Free Open Source Software in Indonesia.

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