The difficulty of a list or google Adsense Indonesia Adsense Indonesia make some bloggers become stressed. There is a sign that said seven times, but rejected all. It is difficult because the list of adsense ads is also not arbitrary, adsense ads are usually advertising the brand and the price of clicks on the PPC was relatively local.
From the first also when I List for Adsense blog English PPC is relatively difficult compared to other lists, especially now when Adsense already support the Indonesian language and we want to list the blogs Indonesian. Blogs that we submitted to the list of Adsense Indonesia for at least the old blog is not a new blog. Oh yes if bloggers do not know Indonesian Adsense support please refer to this,
AdSense Support Bahasa Indonesian, Legal real loh!
Price Click Adsense for Indonesian Blog
Internetan cheap tricks with WhatsApp
4 Ways to Register Adsense Indonesia easy on Approve
I actually signed up through the Adsense blog in English and I tried this trick on the English-language blog. I used to have two Adsense accounts, tables of how come? So once when I was 16 years old my Adsense registered on behalf of my parents approve and direct, but once I was old enough to list my google Adsense sign up again, but was rejected.
I've rejected at least four times by google. The first reason is because the blog is still young, the second equal, third and fourth until I forget what the reason. Well my friends there who say "eh deh lu cobain through docstoc list" and was accepted.
So the first way that the list is accepted by adsense Indonesia docstoc, docstoc list via adsense. It should be noted, with our list through our docstoc agree to share our commission to doc stoc 50:50, but the advertising revenue that we put on the blog of 100% ours. The way the quality upload your document (advice on science), wait for the confirmation link to an email.
Second, the age and quality content. Do not just register a blog that was new, why? because of its opportunity to diapprove bit. Menulislah things that are unique and certainly origianal on your blog and after the post was pretty much the age of blogs and at least one month to register a new deh.
Third, by bloggers. In blogger we were able to register adsense. But of course with the condition that I mentioned earlier. Why bloggers? because google's blogger himself. I proved it with Adsense is the first list and immediately approved.
Fourth, through buksia. I have not tried it, but according to the news I read through the list buksia will also be wearing it easily because the third party. This link, adsense list quickly and easily.How long will my account Google Adsense Indonesia received?
I also do not know for sure, but the first one I signed up adsense I only took three days. For the case that I use docstoc I need a month's time, even according to some forum some say three months.4 Advantages Indonesia Adsense Indonesia compared to other PPC
2012 deserves our gratitude for Indonesian blogs have started to have a premium PPC, read my post about PPC Indonesia,
Select-Select Premium PPC Indonesia
Review Media Advertising to Publisher
When used around the year 2008-2010 Indonesia PPC ads are almost the same advertising "how rich quick" and "strong medicine", but since 2010 started popping up a new PPC offer a different experience. Indonesian Adsense support new start of the month of February 2012. Then what is the advantage compared to other blogs Adsense?
First, its advertising we can choose whether to what contextual banner. Of the two options is ads always appear. Because it always appears that Indonesia may register adsense difficult.
Second, not only for English Adsense advertising, Adsense Indonesia was also relevant ads. I tried it with educational articles and ads that appear are about the university, SNMPTN, school, learn English, etc.. I was quite happy as this would affect the CTR.
Third, the CTR is relatively high compared to other PPC. I have used Adsense for Indonesian blogs have CTR 0.2 to 5. Compared with my click I use it only once CTR 0.1 to 0.3.
Fourth, click the price is relatively expensive. Indeed up to now is not the most expensive, but at least the rate varies according to the price of Adsense click its niche. My experience was $ 0.03 up to $ 0.3 blog I ever could from Indonesian. Well this is also a possible list of Adsense Indonesia hard.the source of the article:
From the first also when I List for Adsense blog English PPC is relatively difficult compared to other lists, especially now when Adsense already support the Indonesian language and we want to list the blogs Indonesian. Blogs that we submitted to the list of Adsense Indonesia for at least the old blog is not a new blog. Oh yes if bloggers do not know Indonesian Adsense support please refer to this,
AdSense Support Bahasa Indonesian, Legal real loh!
Price Click Adsense for Indonesian Blog
Internetan cheap tricks with WhatsApp
4 Ways to Register Adsense Indonesia easy on Approve
I actually signed up through the Adsense blog in English and I tried this trick on the English-language blog. I used to have two Adsense accounts, tables of how come? So once when I was 16 years old my Adsense registered on behalf of my parents approve and direct, but once I was old enough to list my google Adsense sign up again, but was rejected.
I've rejected at least four times by google. The first reason is because the blog is still young, the second equal, third and fourth until I forget what the reason. Well my friends there who say "eh deh lu cobain through docstoc list" and was accepted.
So the first way that the list is accepted by adsense Indonesia docstoc, docstoc list via adsense. It should be noted, with our list through our docstoc agree to share our commission to doc stoc 50:50, but the advertising revenue that we put on the blog of 100% ours. The way the quality upload your document (advice on science), wait for the confirmation link to an email.
Second, the age and quality content. Do not just register a blog that was new, why? because of its opportunity to diapprove bit. Menulislah things that are unique and certainly origianal on your blog and after the post was pretty much the age of blogs and at least one month to register a new deh.
Third, by bloggers. In blogger we were able to register adsense. But of course with the condition that I mentioned earlier. Why bloggers? because google's blogger himself. I proved it with Adsense is the first list and immediately approved.
Fourth, through buksia. I have not tried it, but according to the news I read through the list buksia will also be wearing it easily because the third party. This link, adsense list quickly and easily.How long will my account Google Adsense Indonesia received?
I also do not know for sure, but the first one I signed up adsense I only took three days. For the case that I use docstoc I need a month's time, even according to some forum some say three months.4 Advantages Indonesia Adsense Indonesia compared to other PPC
2012 deserves our gratitude for Indonesian blogs have started to have a premium PPC, read my post about PPC Indonesia,
Select-Select Premium PPC Indonesia
Review Media Advertising to Publisher
When used around the year 2008-2010 Indonesia PPC ads are almost the same advertising "how rich quick" and "strong medicine", but since 2010 started popping up a new PPC offer a different experience. Indonesian Adsense support new start of the month of February 2012. Then what is the advantage compared to other blogs Adsense?
First, its advertising we can choose whether to what contextual banner. Of the two options is ads always appear. Because it always appears that Indonesia may register adsense difficult.
Second, not only for English Adsense advertising, Adsense Indonesia was also relevant ads. I tried it with educational articles and ads that appear are about the university, SNMPTN, school, learn English, etc.. I was quite happy as this would affect the CTR.
Third, the CTR is relatively high compared to other PPC. I have used Adsense for Indonesian blogs have CTR 0.2 to 5. Compared with my click I use it only once CTR 0.1 to 0.3.
Fourth, click the price is relatively expensive. Indeed up to now is not the most expensive, but at least the rate varies according to the price of Adsense click its niche. My experience was $ 0.03 up to $ 0.3 blog I ever could from Indonesian. Well this is also a possible list of Adsense Indonesia hard.the source of the article: