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Alcohol rehab focus on individual needs is the path to success

An alcohol rehab center that puts the focus on the alcoholic’s personal needs and individual circumstances is the path taken by 12 Palms Recovery Center. Through the 12-step process an alcoholic can start living life sober one day at a time.

Alcohol addiction is a disease that affects millions of Americans each and every day. Since 1939, when the 12 steps were originally introduced by Bill W. and Dr. Bob in the book Alcoholics Anonymous, many alcohol rehab centers have adopted its methods and put its words into practical use and action.

For a person attending an alcohol rehab in Illinois, a 12-step process can indeed be started by anyone wishing to recover from the throes of alcoholism. However, at 12 Palms Recovery Center in Jensen Beach, Florida, each person wishing to start a life of sobriety is started on the path through a treatment plan that not only incorporates the 12-step method of recovery, but also individual one on one counseling, cognitive behavioral therapy, role-playing scenarios and other time-tested successful therapies employed by the professional staff at 12 Palms Recovery Center.

The old phrase, "it takes one to know one" certainly applies at 12 Palms Recovery Center. Each member of the staff are recovering alcoholics and addicts themselves, so they know full well how the effects of alcoholism devastates lives. Through their empathy, the counselors can identify and relate what each patient at 12 Palms is going through—by relating experiences they have gone through themselves, they can quickly gain the trust of patients who think that their problems and individual circumstances are unique. Patients quickly find through interaction with their counselors at 12 Palms that their problems are not only not unique, but that the counselors themselves oftentimes have faced the same exact situations.

Attending an alcohol rehab in Illinois can be a great step in finding a fresh lease on life for an alcoholic, but at 12 Palms Recovery, focus on medical and emotional issues combined with the 12-step recovery process that their counselors have gone through themselves gives patients the feeling that can indeed find a way of life that is satisfying, fulfilling and filled with peace and serenity.

While an alcohol rehab in Illinois offers services similar to 12 Palms Recovery Center, many of them don’t offer the full package of services that 12 Palms offers to all of its patients—intervention, detox services, daily AA and NA meetings, fun activities designed to allow patients the chance to unwind from intense therapy sessions, dual diagnosis counseling and therapy sessions, trips to the beach, trips to outside AA meetings and the chance to find a sponsor who will gladly and willingly work with patients on their path to recovery.

At 12 Palms Recovery Center, the professional staff of recovering addicts who are certified in alcohol treatment will work with each individual to get them started on the path to recovery, from intervention all the way through to maintaining a clean and sober way of life one day at a time. For more information on the services offered by 12 Palms Recovery Center, please call 1(866) 331-6779.

Doug Mead is a freelance writer who is also a recovering alcoholic with over 20 years of sobriety. Doug strongly believes in working with fellow recovering alcoholics and addicts who are new to recovery, and as a writer believes in delivering content that is both insightful and thought-provoking.

more info visit us at : http://www.12palmsrecoverycenter.com
By: Doug Mead
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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